Tuesday, 16 October 2012

A Tribute to my Nan

My beautiful Nan passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon in her sleep. Her decline over the past few years has been very sad, but she will live on in my heart and the memories of times we shared will never fade. I'll remember my Nan as:
  • Someone who taught me to stitch - I'll be forever grateful;
  • Someone who introduced us to Chocolate Steamed Pudding - my favourite!
  • Someone who let my sisters and I lick the spoon & scrape the bowl when baking on Sunday mornings - yum
  • Someone who always had chocolate biscuits ready for when we called in after school on Friday afternoons - Mmm
  • Someone who knitted amazing works of art and even made a few fantastic jumpers for me, some of which I still wear today
I'll miss you Nan...

Norma Aileen HAWKINS

HAWKINS. - Norma Aileen. Passed away peacefully Oct. 15, 2012 Dearly loved mother of Alan, Ken and Peter. Much loved mother-in-law of Maggie. Loved Nan of Kerrie and Tim, Sussanne and Richard, Cathryn and Jamie, Daniel and Paula, Amber and Stuart. Proud great Nan of Jacob and Ethan; Marlea, Olivia and Mason; and Sam. Words cannot express how much you have enriched our lives. Always Remembered.

1 comment:

  1. Yes,Our Nan certainly was the best Nan anyone could have. The more i think of Nan the more wonderful memeories come back, and the things that i remember the most are just the simple things that Nan did like having lollies on the silver bowls all throughout the house on christmas day, having the gold and silver jiffies that she let us wear when we had sleep overs and that she came to every school function and speech night. You were a great Nan, Nan and are and will be very sadly missed.Thankyou for giving us wonderful and many beautiful memories of our childhood.
