Tuesday, 10 December 2013

O Holy Night #10

Now that the larger centre block is done, the rest of the smaller blocks "shouldn't" take too long to get through... fingers crossed.
I got some vouchers for a local craft store last night, so I think I might get some more plastic canvas. Since stitching on it for the first time this year, I have really enjoyed using it and I think I could make some ornaments to use as gifts for next Christmas... how's that for getting the planning in early!! The ornaments I made this year were just for me but now I have no more room on my tree, so I can afford to give some away next year.
Happy Stitching,


  1. Time for a second tree!

    I did a set of my Christian Christmas ornaments out of plastic canvas because the cross stitch ones turned out so small. It works great and you can get cool yarn like Lion Brand Bon Bons to work with.

  2. Your sampler is really lovely. I haven't tried stitching on plastic canvas yet but will give it a go next year
