Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Enchanted Ornament #14

Well, only 1.5 days of holidays left... all we've done is sleep, watch cricket and eat - it's been great! But it's not all bad news - I've only got 1 week of work and then I fly to Perth (on the other side of the country) for a week. Yes, it's for work, but work always seems different when you're in a different city. I might even take my next holiday house project with me and get that started...

I haven't done nearly as much stitching as I'd thought I would over the holidays, but that's OK. Here's where I'm up to with the Enchanted Ornament Stocking. I'm pretty much finished the top right side now, except maybe for a few missed stitches. I've started on the back-stitching which defines everything so well. It's a bit hard to see in the picture, but the chain has actual metallic gold threads which sparkle and look great.
Tonight, we've got my nephews (8 and 5 yrs old) staying for a sleep over. That should be fun, I think!

Happy Stitching,


  1. Holidays, stitching and nephews - what a great combination! I bet they love having Auntie Kerrie spoiling them. Did they go to bed early enough for you to get any stitching done, I wonder! Your progress looks great, as usual. :)

  2. Looks beautiful! Have fun with the kiddos!
