Monday, 8 May 2017

Christmas Sled Stocking #6

Pleased with my weekend progress (mostly on Sunday) filling in the bow. Friday night I saw 'Going in Style' starring Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine - it was enjoyable with some funny moments. Saturday night we had the footy at Etihad and it was a close match - we won by 5 points so that was exciting.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Gold Coast for the annual QLD library stock-take - can't wait - I love my stock-take! Now that I am Coeliac and on an insulin pump, I have so much more stuff to take - it took me 2 days to make sure I had everything I needed and wasn't leaving anything behind. Looking forward to next weekend and spending some time with my sister and her family. I've got my stitching packed so hopefully I'll get time to do some and that my shoulder pain will ease off - it has been giving me real trouble lately, even with anti-inflammatory pills, anti-pain pills, and physio and myotherapy sessions... When I get back I'm going to try osteopathy.
Happy Stitching,


  1. That's a beautiful update on your stocking. I hope your shoulder pain eases up soon. Shoulder pain is definitely no fun.

  2. Have a nice trip. You have inspired me to work on my stocking on a more steady basis.

  3. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!
