Sunday 12 June 2016

Holiday #12

why did they decide to build a city in a location like San Francisco? It is SO HILLY I'd never have believed it if I didn't have to walk it myself. Sure, I've seen movies and tv shows, but actually walking it is ridiculous. My husband put his phone on the ground to measure the gradient, and it wouldn't stay still, he had to stop it with his foot! It said it was about 10degrees but I don't know if that is correct.

After being picked up at the airport (having your name on a card feels like I am famous!) we had a short drive to the Fairmont San Francisco - how fancy can you get? It is a beautiful hotel on the top of a hill, so every way you go is down, which means it is up to get back!
We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant in china town which was very nice. The walk back up the hill helped to wear it off.
Tomorrow we have the baseball game in the evening but we have the day free so we might head out to do some shopping around union square.

Until next time, thanks for sharing my holiday...

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